Hi there!

I'm a Software Engineer & Cybersecurity Specialist with 5 years' experience
in developing complex backend infrastructure, casual software, games & networked systems.

I love tearing things apart and learning the secrets of their internals, especially within VM-based languages.
I've also developed a strong interest in Reverse Engineering over the years.

I'm familiar with a lot of tools & languages, some of which include:

My hobbies include Aviation, Security Research, and pushing the limits of software.


A collection of my professional work experiences

Madhouse Productions

Madhouse Productions

Status: Apr '24 - Present
(1 months)
Role: Software Engineer

  • Optimisation of old, poorly written scripts & overly unionized map models
  • Revamped gun system, reducing resources used by over 100% on both client and server
Paradigm Games

Paradigm Games

Status: Mar '24 - Present
(3 months)
Role: Gameplay Programmer

  • Debugging & fixing of complex NPC errors, further optimisation of said scripts.
  • Built multi-function tools, with primary (hold) and secondary (click) functions.
  • Developed Wall Destruction API with support for NPCs, tools and explosives.
Synapse Softworks LLC

Synapse Softworks LLC

Status: Dec '22 - Oct '23
(10 months)
Role: Data Analyst

  • Scanning for abnormalities, unusual behaviour & unauthorised activity.
  • Detecting unauthorized purchases from disallowed users & fraudsters.
  • Community-wide security operations, protecting customers from malicious individuals.
  • Created and maintained various staff utilities for moderation & TOS enforcement.
  • Provided support for the software.
Nexus Interactive LTD

Nexus Interactive LTD

Status: Jun '19 - Dec '21
(2 years, 6 months)
Role: Backend Developer

  • Developed replay systems for game playback
  • Development of REST-based APIs with ASP.NET
  • Development of simple Lua-based APIs for handling these external REST APIs.


A collection of my professional certifications

CompTIA Security+ ce

CompTIA Security+ ce

Expires: in 1 year, 11 months

  • Cybersecurity
  • Threat, Vulnerability, and Risk Management
  • Cryptography
CompTIA Cloud+ ce (+ CSCP)

CompTIA Cloud+ ce (+ CSCP)

Expires: in 1 year, 11 months

  • Development of Cloud Infrastructure
  • Cloud Security & Management


Just a bunch of stuff I've made or worked on over the years


Luau to Lua 5.1 Bytecode Conversion

In development; unfinished.

  • Playing it smart
  • In order to convert certain Luau constants and operations to 5.1, more than one instruction is required, and therefore the stack size must be increased.

    Usually, this wouldn't be an issue, but then you run into the issue of rebasing the entire bytecode which I felt wouldn't be worth the hassle.

    My approach was to increase maxstacksize slightly and use those registers, though this would obviously break if maxstacksize was already near its' limit.

  • Why?
  • I like a challenge, besides, there are a lot of cool utilities built for 5.1, such as ChunkSpy and unluac, now you can use them on your Luau scripts!

Posted on May 25 2024

Madhouse Productions

Reserved for certain work authorized for disclosure during my time @ Madhouse Productions

    Posted on Apr 14 2024

    Revamped Gun System

    Every neglected system needs a little TLC every now and then!

    For the game "Area 14" by Madhouse Productions

    • Complete gun rewrite
    • Every script was re-written, speed and performance vastly improved as a result.

    Posted on May 01 2024

    Paradigm Games

    Reserved for certain work authorized for disclosure during my time @ Paradigm Games

      Posted on Mar 10 2024

      Wall Destruction API

      Bet you didn't expect a clown to do that!

      Built for the upcoming game "Circus Trip 2" by Paradigm Games

      • Jam-packed with functionality
      • Seamlessly integrated with Clown NPC's, explosives, and tools.

      • Dynamic Debris sizing
      • Bigger hole? More debris.

      Posted on Mar 14 2024

      Luau Bytecode Explorer

      Analyze & explore the intricate details of Luau's compiler.

      • Support for all versions of Luau
      • Luau versions through 0.500-0.628 (as of 6/7/2024)

      • Support for both x64 and x86 architectures
      • 'nuff said, ARM codegen support is planned too!

      • Native/Codegen supported
      • Essentially support for Luau's JIT compiler, just tick the native box!

      • Supports huge scripts!
      • Though not using WASM, huge scripts are supported. Up to 10,000 lines!

      Posted on Dec 03 2023


      Computers, in Roblox Lua!

      • Full simulation of BIOS software
      • - Fully simulates the BIOS, specifically Award BIOS v4.51PG from 1997.
        I wanted these machines to have a retro feel to them, so I chose to simulate older style PCs.

      • Interactive
      • - These computers are (of course) interactive, and GUI support is planned.
        For now it's just a console window that you can run commands from.

      Posted on Nov 20 2023


      A scripting utility for the ROBLOX game engine.

      • A Client-compatible version of Luau
      • - Modifications made to the compiler, VM, and other various areas of Luau means that this version of Luau works with the Roblox Client!

      • Fully written in C++ and including many custom libraries
      • - Closure, Debug, Environment, Input, IO, Script, Instance & Table libraries!

      • A full drawing library, including specialized ImGui classes
      • - ImGui library with support for Window, Button, CheckBox, Keybind, Label, and more!

      • A chance for beginners to learn
      • - Reverse Engineering can be a challenging field for beginners, here's something to help them learn!

      Posted on Nov 02 2023


      An offset dumper for the ROBLOX game engine.

      Originally written to support gladhaxx development.

      • Finding vital functions
      • - C++ utilities often require a lot of offsets & function addresses - this finds a majority of them.

      • Bruteforcing of "pointer obfuscation"
      • - Attempts were made to obfuscate certain offsets, this makes quick work of them.

      • Unshuffling of "VM shuffles"
      • - Bruteforcing of VM shuffle macros, which can theoretically be used to unshuffle any Luau offset with ease.

      • Capable of fully dumping all offsets within one second
      • - You heard me correctly, one second, that's all it takes.

      Posted on Jun 13 2023


      A functioning Lua 5.1 Compiler - in C#!

      • Powered by Loretta
      • - This uses Loretta AST, which provides some amazing compatibility and features

      Posted on Jun 11 2023


      You can find me on my social media below